Lab-based Studies:
Frequently Asked Questions
1) What is expected of my child during the session?
Prior to the start of the session, you and your child will be brought to our playroom where the child gets to know our research assistants (RAs) and warm up with them. Once the child is comfortable with the RA, he/she will be brought to our study room to start the session. During the session, they will be engaged in tasks that are modelled after typical play-time games, such as hide and seek and guessing. You will be brought to our control room, from where you would be able to watch child’s performance through our one-way mirror/webcam. Your child will be within sight at all times.
2) Would I be reimbursed for my transport fare?
Yes, parents will be reimbursed for their two-way transport fare or parking charges. If you take a cab, please retain the receipt and we will reimburse your cab fare (capped at $60 per participant). We accept Grab/Go-Jek eReceipts.
3) Would my child be paid for participation?
Participants of our study will not be provided monetary compensation. However, they will receive a certificate and small gifts (e.g. toy, stickers, a keychain) as tokens of appreciation.
4) How long will each session take?
Each session will take between 1.5 hours to 2 hours depending on how quickly your child warms up to the RA and how long they take to complete each task.
5) How many times would we have to come down?
Each child is only required to come down for one session and there would be no follow-up session involved.
6) Would I receive my child’s results?
We would be happy to provide you with a report of your child’s cognitive and language performance upon request. We will give you a hardcopy of your child's results at the end of the session.
7) What will my child’s report look like?
Your child's report will consist the following results:
Language: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
Cognition: Executive Function Task
The results will reflect the raw score and/or the age-corrected standard score along with the percentile. The percentile shows how well your child has fared compared with the norming sample (i.e US or Taiwanese children).
8) Will my child’s data/video be kept confidential?
Yes, all data collected during our research is kept strictly confidential and only averaged group results will be published. Only the Principal Investigator and the RA working with them would have access to the data and it will not be released to any unauthorised person. The video will only be used for coding/transcribing purposes and no outsider will be able to view the video and it will never be used in any presentation. The videos are kept securely in our lab in a password-protected hard drive.
9) Would I receive my child’s videos?
We are unable to release the videos due to ethical reasons. The video will be kept strictly confidential as stated above.
10) Is any equipment or health check up involved?
For our behavioural studies, there will be no machines or health check up equipment involved.
11) Will this study teach my child how to lie?
It is natural and common for children over the age of 3 to start lying in certain situations. Our study analyses your child's natural tendency to respond in these scenarios. This does not in any way encourage your child to lie. Instead, it presents us an opportunity to observe what would the likelihood of him/her turning to a lie when placed in such a scenario.