Welcome to NUS Child Development Lab!

The NUS Child Development Lab is a research lab that focuses on moral and cognitive development in children. We are located at the Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore.
What we do!
Investigate children's moral behaviours, such as honest & dishonest behaviours
Facilitate children's social & cognitive development
Examine the neural mechanisms underlying these behaviours

Welcome to NUS Child Development Lab!
The NUS Child Development Lab is a research lab that focuses on moral and cognitive development in children. We are located at the Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore.
What we do!
Investigate children's moral behaviours, such as honest & dishonest behaviours
Facilitate children's social & cognitive development
Examine the neural mechanisms underlying these behaviours

Want to participate?
If you are a parent and would like your child to participate and contribute to our online studies, please fill in this form or click here to find out more!
Want to help out?
Are you a student who is interested in this area of research? Would you like to contribute by joining the team? Click here to find out more!
In the news!
Wall Street Journal: Children's lies are a sign of cognitive process
NPR: Is your 4-year-old child a liar? Here's the bright side
Psychcentral: Truth is more rewarding in tricky situations than lie
The Conversation: Watching children learn how to lie
Lianhe Zaobao: 道德故事能教儿童诚实吗? (Does Telling Moral Stories Teach Children to be More Honest?)
Mediacorp Channel 8: Interview on how to promote honesty